Friday, September 7, 2007

Greetings and salutations, my Sagar bloggers!

Greetings and salutations, my Sagar bloggers!

I am unbelievably excited about this music video project, and it is amazing to be able to share the adventure with all of you. The universe inspired me to do this piece about 2 months ago. I set out to create a heartfelt story out of a stellar song. From then until now, it has evolved into a life changing journey. I encountered many struggles along the way, some of which almost convinced me that I would not be able to see the project through. However, it has also received a tremendous amount of positivity and support which has somehow allowed it to overcome all the obstacles. An indescribably awesome crew has come together as if by magic. Two phenomenal performers—both of whom have busy travel schedules and live far distances away—have found a way to become part of this piece. They are perfect for the project for so many reasons, and their presence has breathed the story to life. We still have a ways to go on this journey, but I can tell you now from the bottom of my heart that Sagar the music video has blown me away beyond belief.

There is so much to tell, I can barely contain myself. But let’s begin at the beginning. Three stories came together to inspire this piece. So here they all are, in the order in which they occurred.

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